
kpop - kpopers

i m super dissapoint now..why is kpop being undestimate mostly by malaysia people??im not sayin ALL!!we kpopers didnt do anything that harm u guys!!so why need 2 keep pushing us down??n hell yeah~we r supper defensive n sensitive when it comes 2 backin up n defense our kpop idol~so what!!that is how we show our gratitude 2 them,cuz made a music that can b enjoy by us,even not all kpop fans understand fully the meanings~n by that we kpop fans from any fansbase strengh our relationship despite religion,races,gender,age become 1~we try 2 understand their language,culture 2 bcome more educated person..we getting along even our age n our country are apart..we respect each other!!
we try 2 tolerate when other people bash us!!but we cant just sit n do nothing if the antis-kpop keep getting over the limit!!u all said~MUSIC IS UNIVERSAL!!DESPITELANGUAGE!!.so??KPOP industry is not a MUSIC??why need 2 underestimate it??its asshame u know,how people become so negetively thinking when it comes 2 kpop~why people keep lookin down on it??i try 2 understand it!!
some of u said,we love them just bcoz of their pretty/handsome face,n some say they do plastic surgery(well its not all of them!!some of them ok!!),its true we love their face!!BUT we love them more thousand times than u also bcoz of their sincierity 2 us!!u think they just train their dance step n pop debut as an artist??they train themself bfore they debut ok!!some of them start training when they r in 10y.o!!while others go school n play w/ friends they train 2 b the best!!n i say it worth it!!u might say why 10y.o kids want 2 do that??cuz korea sees that being an idol have the brightest future,n our country didnt right!!

im goin 2 continue soon!!

conclusion!! : people r allowed 2 like n think n say what they want!!but if u r human being n not a ____(not refering 2 anything,cuz it cant even say into a words!!) u will consider the effect of ur words n action  2 others!!im standing w/ my words n action cuz i belive it wont harm other people!!MUSIC IS UNIVERSAL including KOREAN LANGUAGE(KPOP)!!!


my day wif super junior M !!!

Kyaak!!! 1 of  the best day in my life yo!!keke~ when i knew suju M was coming 2 malaysia few weeks before the the 28th may 2011..i was like,was it for real??cuz its FREE!!yeah FREE baby!!then more and more people talk bout it..then it was confirm by MARCTENSIA..me n my friend already planning~

Then it was 27th..im from JOHOR BAHRU..so on that day at 4.30pm im on my way 2 KUALA LUMPUR..n finally arrived on the night..

Then it was the day that me n all ELF's been waiting 4..i was on the HIMPUNAN SEJUTA BELIA on HARI BELIA at PUTRAJAYA about 12 noon,n it was already crowded wif all the belia..i can see clearly blue shirt n suju pic on their shirt..n we find a seat..befor that they ahve a dance group that dancing korean pop (k-pop) songs..they were super DAEBAK!!i wish i can dance like them~haha..but obviously the seat were 2 far from the stage,so ELF were starting 2 go further near the stage n i knew i have 2 move foward if i want 2 see SUJU OPPA'S near..then i join other ELF's standing..but that was super hard..they keep pushing!!!n there already girls faint next 2 me..we were standing starting 2.++ pm  until the concert was done~can u imagine??on that time SUJU'S M oppa already arrived but they just reheasal from the back only their backup dancer were out,but we can see their shadows from the back stage..i was so out of oxygen n they keep pushing n shouting..

N its 10.00pm, the MC's were out 2 the stage n the light goes out, we all dont care bout ourself,all we can see is sapphire blue ocean that been made by all the ELF's..then SUJU M start their concert with PERFECTION,we all go crazy!!haha..then the MC's talk with the boy,n each of them sing their solo's,except HYUKJAE oppa,he is trully the dancing machine..then they talk again,then they sing destiny..n we thought it was the end,cuz they already thanks us..all ELF's shout ENCORE!!ENCORE!!ENCORE!!(cuz they havent sing SUPER GIRL yet)n BOOM,they were out sing SUPER GIRL~n we start go crazy again..hahathen it was the ending..all ELF go home..

Well,they try 2 speak few MALAY words..like SAYA CINTA KAMU!!SAYANG!! n on the time where they pick few fans 2 ask question,the fans ask which kyu's oppa like better,GAMES or FANS,n he try 2 answer in malay, TAK PAYAH TANYA!!(which means no need 2 say)well its cute cuz he try!!n i m super dying of jelousy at the fans who got 2 see them so supe close n got a hug!!WOOKIE OPPA shake hand n hug the fans after answer the question,same with HENRY OPPA,thank god SUNGMINIE OPPA got male fan..keke~but he still shake hand n hug him..kyaak!!!ZHOUMI OPPA kiss the girl hand n hug her!!grr..then KYU OPPA hug the fans TWICE!!then pat her head!!cuz she almost cry~then finally HYUKJAE OPPA!!YA OPPA,DONT U KNOW WE GOT JELOUSE BCOZ OF THAT??ngee~he kiss the fans hands also,then hug her from THE BACK!!BACK HUG guys!!wont u get jelous??gruueagh~the fans ask HYUKJAE is it true he steal/use other member paties..he stutter..haha..so cute!!i swear i can see their face clearly~cuz i was on the 2nd row~hehe,i start shout 1 by 1 of their name..n WOOKIE OPPA n HENRY OPPA heard,look at me n SMILE!!!kyaak!!im afraid i will faint..haha..but woah~ZHOUMI OPPA super TALL+SKINNY!!well all of them actully..i was on the front of WOOKIE OPPA,HENRY OPPA N SUNGMINIE OPPA~they look tired but they try 2 hide it..they keep smile 2 us..they need FOOD..super skinny..but with bit muscle..ngee..they so white n tall..i swear that time they look so shinie,their eye sparkles..SUNGMINIE OPPA cheeks go upward it was like toink2..haha..n there is a moment where they ask which member is the SHY 1,it was so obvious..KYU OPPA..he try 2 say something,then he hides behind ZHOUMI OPPA..n all the ELF's goes crazy!!cuz its cute!!then he hides behind HYUKJAE OPPA's back..n we goes crazy again..then who is the most RESPONSIBLE member,it was SUNGMIN OPPA~whose the BABY??they push HENRY OPPA,then he start 2 dance n sing BABY~BABY~BABY~OH~

im sorry..this wasnt fully what happen..im still trying 2 remember..cuz i kinda still loosing my mind!!still feelin excited!!i will update later when my memory come back!!keke~ILL UPDATE LATER OK!!my mind jaebal dorawa!!keke


kpop artist look alike~

its haewon from new boy group X-5 and SS501 member park jung min~they look the same rite..people call haewon as little park jungmin..

and this is taefung also from group X-5 look alike with leeteuk from super junior..

mayb i will update others kpop look alike later~but they all so handsome!!keke


just a video!!

                                                                jinwoon oppa is super cute!!


learning hangul/korea alphabet!!

"oo" or "u"
"yoo" or "yu"

"g" or "k"
"d" or "t"
" r " or " l "
"b" or "p"
" ch "
" ch' "
" g' " or " k' "
" d' "
" p' "
" h "

Note that " ' " means the letter is aspirated, i.e a sharp sound.
ㅎ +ㅏ +ㄴ =
ㄱ+ㅜ +ㄱ =

In the table below, note the resulting sound of the ending character on a syllable (final) and the beginning character on the following syllable (initial).

Rules in Brief

  • When ㅅ is followed directly by ㅣ, it should be Romanized as shi.
  • Example: 다시 (again) would be dashi.
  • To avoid confusion of syllables, a hyphen can be used.
  • Example: 후에 (after) would be hu-e.
  • When ㄱ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅂ are found directly before vowel, they are Romanized as g, d, r, b.
  • When ㄱ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅂ are found directly before a consonant, they should be Romanized as k, t, r, p.
Korean Syllable Structure.



study week holidays!!!!

im on 2 weeks leave from college until 19th april..keke~then ough its my final!!! kergh~am i goin 2 do a great job??havin a good result??well i hope so!!!5 paper then my final sem break start on 29th april..bout 3 month~thinking 2 work..what kind of work suitable 4 me??ouh..lets just concerntrate on my final fist..hehe~

                                                          and this the latest from INFINITE~
                                                                NOTHINGS OVER..
                                                                  what a cute song uh~

                                                                       and also this MV..
                                                          CN BLUE are superb wif INTUITION~

                                                                  ang~ang~lovin this song!!!
                                                                    its from u-kiss title:0330